Dig Street | Hartington | Buxton | Derbyshire | SK17 0AQ

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Please Check your BP

Out of range Blood Pressure can result in many symptoms which can affect your general health and lead to serious problems. It is good idea to monitor your own blood pressure on a regular basis and it is recommended that all people aged 45 and over have their blood pressure checked at least every 5 years even if they are, otherwise, fit and well.

The Practice now has a ‘Well Being Zone’ with a self-check Blood Pressure (BP) machine and patient weighing scales. You do not need an appointment to come and check you own BP and weight. The self-check BP machine will provide you with a print out which details your recorded BP. This information can be given to a Receptionist to add to your medical record or you can use the form on the link below to record, and monitor, your own BP.

If you do not wish to check your own BP, Practice staff will be happy to help. If you have a home BP machine, please inform the Practice of your most recent reading.

Don’t delay – Come and check your BP!

You can also download this Home Blood Pressure Diary

Flu Vaccination Clinic

An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing or rest homes. Please contact the Reception Staff for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend the surgery, we can arrange a home visit. Please see our ...
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