Dig Street | Hartington | Buxton | Derbyshire | SK17 0AQ

Suggestions and Complaints

Feedback / Suggestions and Complaints Procedure

We offer a Practice Feedback/Suggestions and Complaints Procedure to deal with comments, suggestions and complaints about the service provided.

If you have a good idea about how we can improve the service that we offer there is a suggestion box located in the Reception area. If you would like to provide feedback, please complete the Friends and Family feedback form in Reception or via this website.

Our aim is to give you the highest possible standard of service and we will deal promptly with any problems that occur.

If you are unhappy with anything that has happened to you at the Practice please ask to speak to the Practice Manager, or put your complaint in writing to:

Practice Manager
Hartington Surgery
Dig Street, Hartington
Buxton, SK17 0AQ

Or email: [email protected]

All complaints

  • are handled effeciently
  • are properly investigated
  • are treated with respect and courtesy
  • receive advice and assistance to undertand the complaints procedure
  • receive a timely and appropriate response and are told the outcome of the investigation or complant and what action has been taken in light of the outcome of the complaint


If you are not entirely satisfied with the outcome of your complaint following investigation by the Practice, you can contact Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care board (DDICB) Complaints Team.

The ICB PALS team can be contacted


If you are not sure who to complain to then, do please ask and we will direct your complaint to the right place.

If you need support to make a complaint, independent advocacy is provided locally:

For Derby city residents by:

One Advocacy Derby
Tel: 01332 228 748
Email: [email protected]

For Derbyshire residents by:

Derbyshire Mind
Tel: 01332 623 732
Email: [email protected]

How Can Patients Have Their Say?

We have an active Patients Group at the surgery as well as a regular Newsletter which patients are able to contribute to if they wish. In reception we have a Suggestion/Comments box and patients are also welcome to write to the Practice Manager.

Your Local Derbyshire Team

The area served by Hartington Surgery is in the district covered by NHS England, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Area Team.

NHS Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

By Post:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
47-51 Mosely Street
Manchester, M2 3HQ

Email: [email protected]

By Telephone:
Telephone: 0345 015 4033

Policy on Violent Abusive Behaviour

We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients.

Violent Abusive Behaviour

We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients.
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