Prescriptions are free for:
- is under the age of 16
- is 16, 17 or 18 and in full time education
- is aged 60 and over
- has a valid maternity exemption certificate (these are issued by the midwife at the booking appointment)
- has a valid medical exemption certificate
- has a valid exemption certificate issued by the Ministry of Defence
- has a valid HC2 (full help) certificate
- receives Income Support or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- receives Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- has a tax credit exemption certificate
- receives Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (including partners)
- receives Universal Credit and meets the criteria
If you are not entitled to free prescriptions, a ‘Pre Payment Certficate (PPC)’ may save you money. Please ask the Dispensary for details.