Dig Street | Hartington | Buxton | Derbyshire | SK17 0AQ

Continence Services for Adults and Children

Adult Continence Services: Please note that this information and service is for adult patients only. For children, see the section below for ‘Children’s Continence Services’.

Many people suffer with bladder and bowel problems and do not realise that help and advice is available. The continence advisory service offers a comprehensive assessment and treatment service by a continence specialist nurse for people with a Derbyshire GP. Self-refer over the telephone on 01773 546 868 or be email to: [email protected]

Pad / Product Queries:
Tele: 01773 546869
Email: – [email protected]
To activate a delivery : 0800 030 4466 – option 1 & option 1 again

What are our core service delivery hours?

  • Telephone lines and email accounts are monitored and answered between 08:00 and 15:00 Monday to Friday.
  • Clinic appointments and home visits are available between 09:00 and 16:30 Monday to Friday

Children’s Continence Services: We are a small nurse-led community service working within Derby city and Derbyshire. We support children and young people 4-18 years (19 if your child attends a special school) with continence needs.

We work closely with the following agencies where appropriate:

  • Children’s centres, nurseries, playgroups, schools and other education services
  • Other medical professionals such as doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and school nurses
  • Adult services to ease your child’s transition from children’s series
  • Social Care Services
  • Private and voluntary agencies

Our service adheres to Trust policies and service specifications, which include Child Protection

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